15 Things that may be Hurting your Credit Score

Your credit score is an important indicator of where you stand financially, and it can also be a number that impacts your ability to qualify for loans or even rent an apartment. It's essential to maintain a healthy credit score, but a lot of people may not be aware of what can have a negative impact on it.

Today, we’ll take a look at some of the things that may be harming your credit score and provide insights into how you can potentially mitigate these issues. Keep in mind that your credit score is affected by various factors and the solutions we are suggesting today may not be effective for everyone’s financial situation. Ultimately, you should assess your financial situation and make informed decisions about what’s best for your finances.

1. Late or Missed Payments

One of the most significant factors that can impact your credit score is late or missed payments on your credit accounts. Payment history plays a crucial role in determining your creditworthiness, and any instances of late payments can have an impact. Even a single missed payment can impact your credit score and stay on your credit report for a long time.

Person inputting credit card info into computer.

Solution: One good way to help prevent late or missed payments is to set up automatic payments or reminders for your bills. Staying organized and budgeting effectively can also help ensure that you have enough funds available to cover your financial obligations.

2. High Credit Card Balances

The amount of credit card debt you carry relative to your credit limit, known as your credit utilization ratio, is another factor affecting your credit score. High credit card balances can cause your credit score to shift and can indicate financial instability and risk to lenders.

Solution: Aim to keep your credit card balances low, ideally below 30% of your credit limit. Paying down your credit card debt can have an impact on your credit utilization ratio and your credit score.

3. Applying for Too Much Credit

In a lot of cases, when you apply for credit, whether it's a credit card, a personal loan, or mortgage, a hard inquiry may be made on your credit report. Multiple hard inquiries within a short period can signal to lenders that you might be experiencing financial difficulties or are overextending yourself.

Solution: Be selective when applying for new credit and only do so when you really need to. Try to consolidate multiple inquiries into one if you're shopping for a mortgage or auto loan within a short timeframe, as these inquiries may count as a single inquiry for scoring purposes. That being said, be mindful of the time period under which these multiple inquiries are counted as one inquiry.

4. Closing Old Credit Accounts

Closing old credit card accounts may seem like a good idea to simplify your financial life, but it can also have an impact on your credit score. The length of your credit history is a factor in your credit score calculation, and closing old accounts can shorten your credit history.

Solution: Instead of closing old accounts, consider keeping them open and using them sparingly to maintain a longer credit history, assuming you’re not paying any fees to keep them open. Even if you don't use a particular credit card often, the available credit limit can impact your credit utilization ratio.

Keep in mind though that this may not be the ideal solution for everyone, and you should consider your financial situation before you make important decisions regarding closing old credit accounts.

5. Co-Signing for Others

Co-signing a loan or credit card for someone else means you’re equally responsible for the debt. If the person you co-signed for misses payments or defaults on the loan, it can impact your credit score as well.

Solution: Be cautious about co-signing for others and only do it if you’re comfortable assuming the financial responsibility. Make sure there’s open communication with the person you co-signed for to monitor the status of the account.

6. Defaulting on Loans

Defaulting on a loan, whether it's a personal loan, student loan, or auto loan, can have a big effect on your credit score. A default is a clear indicator to creditors that you are unable or unwilling to meet your financial obligations.

Solution: If you’re struggling to make loan payments, it's essential to communicate with your lender as soon as possible. You should also revisit your budget to see if you can cut costs in certain areas to make room for your personal loan payments.

7. Collection Accounts

Having an account sent to collections is a red flag on your credit report. Collection accounts typically occur when you fail to pay a debt, and the creditor or a debt collector pursues payment through legal means.

A person in a red suit looking at a phone.

Solution: Just like when you’re defaulting on a loan, if you have a collection account on your credit report, you can try to make some big changes to your budget to free up room to pay off your debt as quickly as possible.

8. Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is one of the most severe actions you can take with respect to your credit. It can stay on your credit report for up to ten years and significantly impact your credit score.

Solution: While bankruptcy is a challenging situation, it's essential to focus on rebuilding your credit after the process is complete. Over time, responsible financial management can help you impact your credit score.

9. Not Checking Your Credit Report

Failing to regularly check your credit report can be harmful because it prevents you from identifying errors. Incorrect information on your credit report can lead to an impact on your credit score.

Solution: Obtain free copies of your credit reports from the three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—annually and review them for accuracy. If you find errors, dispute them promptly to have them corrected.

10. Ignoring Identity Theft

Not only can you find simple errors on your credit report when you check it, you may also spot signs of identity theft. This can have devastating consequences on your credit score if not addressed quickly. Fraudsters can open credit accounts in your name and rack up debts without your knowledge.

Solution: Be vigilant about monitoring your financial accounts and credit reports for any suspicious activity. If you suspect identity theft, take immediate steps to report it to the authorities and the credit bureaus to prevent further damage.

11. Lack of Diverse Credit Accounts

Having a mix of credit accounts, such as credit cards, short-term installment loans, and mortgages, can impact your credit score. A diverse credit portfolio demonstrates your ability to manage various types of credit responsibly.

Solution: If you’re in need of a personal loan, make sure to assess all your potential options carefully. That doesn’t mean you should apply for different loans just to diversify your credit portfolio, but over time, you may find that different types of loans suit your needs depending on the situations you find yourself in.

12. Not Prioritizing Financial Education

A lack of financial literacy can lead to poor credit decisions and harmful financial behaviors. Understanding how credit works and how to manage it effectively is crucial to maintaining a healthy credit score.

Solution: Invest time in educating yourself about personal finance and credit management. There are many resources available, including books, online courses, and financial advisors, who can provide guidance and support.

13. Ignoring Your Credit Score

Some people simply ignore their credit scores until they need to use credit for a significant purchase, only to discover that their score is lower than expected.

Solution: Regularly monitoring your credit score can help you stay aware of your financial health. Many free credit monitoring services and apps are available to help you keep track of changes in your score.

14. Closing Too Many Credit Accounts at Once

Closing multiple credit accounts simultaneously can impact your credit score. This action can affect your credit utilization ratio and shorten your credit history, both of which are factors in your credit score calculation.

Solution: If you need to close credit accounts, consider spacing out the closures over time rather than closing them all at once. This can help mitigate the potential impact on your credit score.

However, as we mentioned earlier, you should assess your financial situation very carefully before you decide to close credit accounts so you can make an informed decision that is right for you.

15. Rent Payment History

A lot of people may not know that that their rent payment history can affect their credit score if their payments are being reported to a credit bureau. If you consistently pay rent late or have outstanding rent-related debts, it can impact your credit.

A white house with a white picket fence and trees.

Solution: Consider using services that report your rent payments to credit bureaus. This can help establish a positive payment history and potentially impact your credit score over time. Additionally, always strive to pay rent on time to avoid late fees and negative credit reporting.

Monitor your Credit Score Closely

Like we’ve said, your credit score is a vital financial tool that can impact various aspects of your life. Understanding the factors that can harm your credit score is the first step in taking control of your financial future.

By addressing these issues and considering the suggested solutions, you can work towards maintaining a healthy credit score and enjoying the benefits it offers in the world of finance. Remember that impacting your credit score is a gradual process, so stay patient and committed to your financial well-being.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information only and does not constitute financial, legal, or other professional advice. For full details, see CreditFresh’s Terms of Use.

Posted in: Credit Score