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schedule 6 min read | June 8, 2023

6 Things to Focus on When Calculating the Cost of Borrowing Money

Written by Daniel Azzoli

When it comes to borrowing money, it's essential to understand the true cost involved. While interest rates and fees may seem straightforward, there are often other factors that can significantly impact your financial well-being. Today, we’ll delve into the intricacies of calculating the true cost of borrowing money. By considering various factors beyond the obvious, you can work towards gaining a clearer understanding of the overall expenses associated with borrowing and make informed financial decisions.

1. Interest Rates and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) 

The first step in calculating the true cost of borrowing is understanding the interest rates and the Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Interest rates determine the amount you'll pay in interest over the life of the loan, while APR encompasses both the interest rate and additional fees.

two red balloons with percentage symbols on them.

To calculate the total interest payable on a loan, multiply the loan amount by the interest rate and the loan term. For example, a $10,000 loan with a 5% interest rate over three years would accumulate $1,500 in interest.

The APR includes both the interest rate and other associated costs, like origination fees or closing costs. Lenders are required to disclose the APR, allowing borrowers to compare the true cost of loans from different sources. By comparing APRs, you can gain a more accurate picture of the overall costs of borrowing.

2. Fees and Additional Costs

Beyond the interest rate and APR, borrowers should consider the specific fees and additional costs associated with borrowing. These fees can include origination fees, processing fees, prepayment penalties, late payment charges, and more. While they may seem minor, they can add up over time and significantly impact the true cost of borrowing.

Origination fees are charged by lenders to cover administrative costs for processing a loan. They’re often calculated as a percentage of the loan amount. For example, if a lender charges a 2% origination fee on a $10,000 loan, you would pay an additional $200 upfront.

Prepayment penalties are fees charged if you pay off the loan earlier than the agreed-upon term. It's crucial to consider these penalties if you anticipate the possibility of early repayment, as they can substantially increase the overall cost.

Late payment charges are levied when you fail to make your payments on time. These fees can vary depending on the lender and loan agreement. To accurately assess the true cost of borrowing, factor in the potential for late payment charges and make sure to meet your payment obligations promptly.

3. Duration of the Loan

The duration or term of the loan plays a significant role in calculating the true cost of borrowing. While longer-term loans generally have lower monthly payments, they often result in higher overall interest payments. Shorter-term loans, on the other hand, may have higher monthly payments but result in lower overall costs.

To determine the true cost, multiply the monthly payment by the number of months in the loan term. For example, a $500 monthly payment over five years equates to $30,000 in total repayments. We should note that you can only do a calculation like this if the interest rate on your loan is fixed and the type of loan you’ve been approved for has a predetermined payment schedule, like an installment loan.

It's crucial to consider your financial situation and long-term goals when choosing the duration of the loan. While a longer loan term may offer immediate relief with lower payments, it may not be the most cost-effective option in the long run.

4. Consideration of Inflation and Opportunity Costs

Calculating the cost of borrowing money should also consider the impact of inflation and opportunity costs. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time. As such, the future value of money is typically lower than its present value. When borrowing, this means that the amount you repay in the future may be worth less than what you borrowed today.

Opportunity costs refer to the potential gains or benefits you might forego by using borrowed funds instead of investing or using the money elsewhere. By borrowing, you tie up your financial resources, and if you could have invested or used the funds for a higher return opportunity, there is an opportunity cost involved.

To incorporate inflation and opportunity costs, it's essential to compare the potential returns on investment or alternative uses of the borrowed funds. If the potential returns exceed the cost of borrowing, it may make financial sense to proceed with the loan. However, if the returns are lower or the opportunity cost is significant, it may be wiser to explore alternative options.

5. Importance of Understanding Different Types of Loans

In addition to calculating the true cost of borrowing, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the different types of personal loans that may be available to you. Each type of loan has its own terms, repayment structures, and associated costs. Being knowledgeable about these options can help you to select the loan that best suits your needs and financial circumstances.

a. Secured vs. Unsecured Loans

Secured loans require collateral, like a home or car, which the lender can seize if you default on payments. These loans may have lower interest rates because they involve less risk for the lender. Unsecured loans, on the other hand, don’t require collateral but may have higher interest rates to compensate for the increased risk.

Understanding the difference between secured and unsecured loans helps you assess the potential risks involved and choose the appropriate loan type based on your assets and financial situation.

Lock on chain closing a green barn door.

b. Fixed-Rate vs. Variable-Rate Loans

Fixed-rate loans have a consistent interest rate throughout the loan term, providing stability and predictability in monthly payments. Variable-rate loans, also known as adjustable-rate loans, have interest rates that fluctuate over time based on market conditions. While variable-rate loans may initially have lower rates, they can increase significantly, resulting in higher costs over the loan's duration.

By understanding the distinction between fixed-rate and variable-rate loans, you can evaluate your risk tolerance and financial stability to determine which option is more suitable for your needs.

c. Installment Loans, Credit Cards, and Lines of Credit

It's essential to differentiate between various borrowing options like installment loans, credit cards, and lines of credit. Installment loans offer a lump sum with a fixed repayment schedule, while credit cards provide a revolving line of credit that can be used for multiple purchases. Lines of credit are similar to credit cards and allow the borrower to draw funds from a credit limit on a revolving basis.

By having a comprehensive understanding of different types of loans, you can make informed decisions about which loan aligns with your financial goals, minimizes costs, and suits your borrowing needs. Being aware of the terms, repayment structures, and potential risks associated with various loan options empowers you to make sound financial choices and avoid unnecessary expenses.

6. Considering Early Repayment Options

When calculating the true cost of borrowing, it's important to consider the potential for early repayment. Some loans allow borrowers to pay off the debt before the scheduled term ends, which can result in significant savings on interest payments.

To determine the impact of early repayment, you can use an online loan calculator or consult with your lender. By inputting the remaining loan balance, the interest rate, and the desired early repayment amount, you can assess the potential interest savings and adjust your calculations accordingly.

Early repayment can significantly reduce the total interest paid over the life of the loan, potentially making it a more cost-effective option in the long run. However, it's important to check if the loan agreement includes any prepayment penalties, as these fees can negate the benefits of early repayment. If prepayment penalties are involved, compare the potential savings with the penalty amount to evaluate whether early repayment is financially beneficial.

A picture containing calculator, office supplies, mobile phone, office equipment.

Additionally, consider the opportunity cost of early repayment. If you have other higher-interest debts or investment opportunities, it may be more advantageous to allocate the funds towards those areas instead of paying off a lower-interest loan early.

By factoring in early repayment options, you gain a more accurate understanding of the true cost of borrowing and can make informed decisions about paying off your debt efficiently while considering potential savings and opportunity costs.

Understand How Much a Loan Costs

Calculating the true cost of borrowing money requires a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond simple interest rates. By considering factors like interest rates, APR, fees, loan duration, and more, borrowers can gain a holistic understanding of the overall expenses involved.

Understanding the true cost of borrowing empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions and select the most cost-effective borrowing options that align with their financial goals. By conducting thorough calculations and comparing different loan options, borrowers can mitigate risks, reduce unnecessary expenses, and make sound financial choices.

Remember, when it comes to borrowing, knowledge is power. The more you understand the true cost of borrowing, the better equipped you'll be to manage your finances effectively and build a stronger financial future.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information only and does not constitute financial, legal, or other professional advice. For full details, see CreditFresh’s Terms of Use.

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